Refer To Us

We tackle homelessness by giving cash directly to those who need it most. Set up a monthly donation so we never run out of funding.

Local Commissioners
Charity partners
Individual Support

Ending homelessness and
saving councils money

We save local councils money by helping people move out of temporary accommodation and stay out of homelessness for good.

Clients Helped
£47.3 Million
Saved for councils
Of our clients moved into permanent housing or sustained stable housing in 2022/23

Work with us

Greater Change works directly with councils providing funding for your clients to take steps into a more stable life. These include a deposit for a flat, training for a career, or just the essentials like furniture. Through our funding, we have saved councils over £ millions in costs associated with housing clients, while giving them a personalised, empathetic and effective route out of homelessness. We help every client regardless of their background and work closely with their support workers to ensure that their needs are met.

  • Spend less time on admin

    Spend more time providing support and less time doing onerous reporting. Our reporting is quick and painless while remaining effective and empathetic.

  • Fill gaps with super flexible funding

    Our funding approach is flexible, allowing us to support every homeless individual regardless of their unique circumstances and needs.

  • Prevention is as important as the cure

    When support is needed urgently we can provide immediate support without the red tape, helping people at risk of homelessness before it becomes a problem.

We ask that Local Commissioners match the funds raised by our donors to cover the cost of our service delivery. In return, we guarantee our services will raise and distribute more than this cost to people in need in your locality, ensuring that your constituents will always be better off.

Please get in touch by emailing:

Jonathan Tan, Chief Executive Officer

Paul Wilding
Rough Sleeping & Single Homeless Manager Oxford City Council

Oxford City Council are delighted to be renewing its relationship with Greater Change in 2022/23. The impact of Greater change is clear to see for the Council. Not only have previous funding awards been more than matched by Greater Change’s fundraising model, but they also provide meaningful data on how people have been supported to resolve or prevent homelessness.

Faster, better Outcomes

We provide funding to anyone who needs it and cut through red tape to deliver it when needed most.

Clients Helped
Of Clients Homed
Of our clients were from Bame backgrounds. In comparison, 27% of all statutorily homeless in England are from BAME backgrounds.

Work with us

We work with partner charities that refer their clients to us. We then help those clients take steps to move out of homelessness for good through funding things like a deposit for a flat. When funding is unavailable for someone but required to help them move forward, we aim to be that missing piece. We partner with services that offer high-quality support to people in a fast, personalised way.

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Please get in touch by emailing:

Steph Gore, Head of Operations

Individual Support

Greater Change does not take independent referrals. We work with local partner charities who refer to us clients. If you are an individual experiencing or at risk of homelessness, please see the following nationwide resources for support.

We operate in Greater London, the Southeast of England, Oxfordshire, Essex, and Sunderland, with the following partner charities and organisations:

Dale and son

Dale's Story

“My son can visit again”
"Thank you so much for giving me deposit money for my room, it’s amazing not sleeping in a tent and feeling like life is worth living now, I get to have my son over as I have a lovely landlady who knows all about my past and is still giving me a chance! I have started a college course so hopefully will have a job soon after. Thank you again you have no idea how much this means to people like me in my situation. Thank you for giving me my dignity back and giving me a chance to live! Thank you again."
Image of Vanda

Vanda's Story

“Being homeless was a terrible time, I just remember feeling terrified.” Vanda managed to leave the streets but had a relapse which put her home at risk. However, Greater Change was able to pay off her rent arrears. “Now every time I come home, I say hello beautiful home, I am home! When I lock that door, I know that I’m safe.”

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
image of Natalie

Natalie's Story

When Natalie started fundraising with Greater Change, she had finished rehab after several years of drug addiction. She needed money for further training to get back into paid employment and to ensure she could pay her housing bills. With our help, Natalie could get the training she needed to secure her job. With paid employment, Nathalie is no longer at risk of homelessness and has been able to successfully move on with life.
prevent a crisis
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